With each new technological advancement, our lives become more and more intertwined with the innovative products created as a result. Few areas of life are left untouched by the power of technology. While the tech industry expands at a remarkable pace, it can be hard to sift through the ethical implications of all these changes. As Christians, we must ask, “How should we approach the progression of technology?”

As followers of Jesus Christ, we possess a unique responsibility to wisely consider the impact of any given subject, and this is no different with technology. God has given us dominion over creation (Genesis 1:26-28) and encourages us to act with wisdom, righteousness, and discernment. We must exercise due diligence in exploring the often confusing and rapidly changing world of technology.

To better understand how we, as Christians, should navigate these waters, let’s break down a few of the significant considerations.

1. The Potential for Great Good

When approached well, technology can do incredible good in the world. It allows for unprecedented levels of communication, healthcare breakthroughs, and opportunities to ease human suffering. In our efforts to be compassionate, effective servants of Christ, we can join in the noble work of utilizing technology to make the world a better place.

As the Lord has assigned to each his task, so is he who giveth talent.[1]

In the parable of the talents, Jesus teaches that we should diligently manage the resources and abilities entrusted to us. This includes the unique talents and gifts each person possesses along with the tools and knowledge we have available through technology.

2. The Dangers of Misuse

Just as there are incredible opportunities for good, the field of technology also holds risks, pitfalls, and dangers. It is crucial to note that technology, without proper guidance and a biblical worldview, can easily lead astray. We must recognize the potential for misuse and potential pitfalls in order to stay on the narrow path.

Two primary dangers include the concentration of power and the deception of technology as a solution to all problems. As large tech companies wield more and more power, they can potentially abuse that position or make unethical decisions. We should consistently take a skeptical posture, qsking questions and engaging in the discussion surrounding the ethics and ramifications of technology. Additionally, we must remember that no technology—no matter how advanced—will fully solve the complex issues of the human condition.

3. The Necessity of a Biblical Worldview

As with any issue, our approach must be grounded in a biblical worldview. Without this foundation, we run the risk of misinterpreting or improperly valuing the role of technology in our lives. A Christian worldview helps us make informed decisions and encourages us to give thoughtful consideration to each area of our life, including technology.

As we strive to apply a biblical perspective to our understanding of technology, we should emphasize the importance of:

  • Stewardship: We are responsible to wisely manage and care for the resources placed at our disposal.
  • Discernment: We should not blindly trust or follow the latest innovation, but thoughtfully consider the ethical and moral implications.
  • Community: Technological advances do not exist in a vacuum, and their impact on our relationships is crucial. We must consider both the physical and the spiritual aspects of community.

4. The Encouragement to Be Creators

Finally, as Christians, we have a special calling to creatively engage with the world around us in order to further God’s kingdom purposes. We must see ourselves as creators, not just consumers. This may include developing new technologies, ensuring just and righteous use, or sharing the gospel message through technological means. Each area of influence provides an opportunity to build bridges and connect with our world in meaningful and redemptive ways.


Ultimately, the Christian approach to technology is rooted in wisdom, love, and the pursuit of God’s kingdom. We must keep both the incredible potential for good and the pitfalls of misuse in our sights. By leaning into a biblical worldview, stewarding our resources wisely, and acting with discernment, we can fully and effectively embrace the ever-evolving world of technology—all the while seeking to follow the light of Christ in our daily lives.

[1] The King James Version of Proverbs 19:24. Other translations may render the verse slightly differently, but the central idea of God-appointed tasks remains consistent.