The concept of caring for widows and orphans is deeply rooted in Scripture and demonstrates God’s heart. In biblical times, these particular groups were at considerable risk due to a lack of social security, inheritance, and family to support them. Thus, the concept of caring for widows and orphans was a prominent theme in God’s commandments.

In today’s world, social institutions have evolved tremendously. However, the underlying values of love, care, and compassion continue to be crucial. So, even though our contemporary realities differ from that of biblical times, the responsibility to care for the vulnerable remains relevant.

God’s Commands to Show Care for Widows and Orphans

Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly underscores the importance of loving, caring, and protecting orphans and widows, including:

  • Deuteronomy 10:18: “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.”
  • James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
  • Psalm 68:5: “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy habitation.”
  • Ezekiel 22:7: “They do not support the weak or show regard for the lives of widows or orphans, nor do they refrain from swindling or doing wrong.”
  • Jeremiah 49:11: “Leave your mother country, with its cities and kidnap those valued least in the land—the perfect victims, who dwell at ease, saying to themselves, ‘Under the Lord’s shield, we have no need of aid or Supplication.’” Here, the group referred to as “the perfect victims” is a metaphor for those thought to be protected by God, such as widows and orphans.

Clearly, God is not indifferent to the plight of these vulnerable groups and expects the same compassion from those who believe in Him.

Is It an Individual Responsibility?

The notion of caring for the vulnerable is not an individual obligation alone. Various aspects of society, such as governments, non-profit organizations, and local communities, also share in this responsibility.

  • Governments must ensure social protection systems to support widows and orphans.
  • Churches, non-profits, and other religious institutions are often at the forefront of support for the needy, both materially and spiritually.

However, individuals also have a part to play. While this may come in various forms, it may involve some or all of the following:

  • Providing financial, emotional, or physical support to vulnerable persons.
  • Using one’s voice to advocate for laws and policies that protect widows and orphans.
  • Supporting organizations working to better the conditions of such groups.
  • Showing compassion and care towards widows and orphans in your personal community.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fulfilling this duty. However, the underlying principle is the consistent action that reflects God’s love and heart for the vulnerable.


God’s commendation of looking after orphans and widows reflects His love and concern for the well-being of the vulnerable. While the modern world may have evolved considerably since biblical times, the principles and values remain crucial. It’s not just an individual responsibility to care for widows and orphans, but also a collective one, calling for efforts from governments, organizations, and individuals alike.

But remember, taking action in any capacity, no matter how small, is better than doing nothing. As we each seek to fulfill our respective roles, the collective impact can be transformational, and that brings God’s heart to life in the world today.

There are a wide range of resources available to help you assist the vulnerable populations in your own local community, wherever you are in the world. Get started by connecting with a local church or charitable organization in your area and see what opportunities are available to you.

Subscribe and Make Crime Pay Less: DarkừSa Podcast Episode 33 Explores the Cost of Crime in Pop Culture

In episode 33 of DarkừSa: Thetotallytruecrimepodcast, Kerry and Belinda look at pop culture’s portrayal of crime, exploring glamorisation, myths, and the disconnect between real-life offenses and their entertaining equivalents.

DarkừSa delves into true crime stories, looking at the psychological and sociological factors behind them, while keeping a watchful eye on crime in popular culture. In episode 33, the hosts discuss the portrayal of crime in television, film, and other media that often showcases unrealistic and glamorised versions of criminal life.

Kerry and Belinda highlight the drastic differences between real-life scenarios, where crime often results in far less glamorous and more devastating consequences, and the idealised portrayals presented by popular culture. These artistic versions can inspire unrealistic expectations and even motivate individuals to embark on criminal pursuits.

Belinda and Kerry also touch on the myth of the “crime lifestyle”, often perpetuated by pop culture. This myth erases the realities faced by many involved in criminal activity. Furthermore, the costs of participating in crime – far too often, a hefty prison sentence or, too often, a brief and violently cut-short life on the streets – are erased or romanticised.

The podcast episode concludes with a conversation on the influence of pop culture portrayals of crime and the potential disconnect between reality and the public’s fascination with fictionalised versions.

DarkừSa: Thetotallytruecrimepodcast blends the hosts’ professional backgrounds in psychology and sociology to provide more than just gripping true crime stories, but a deeper insight into the motivations and effects of criminal actions. Episodes of DarkừSa are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever else you get your podcasts.

A Guide To Understanding Death Cafes

As society embraces a more open discourse about sensitive topics, unusual gatherings have emerged from the practice. One such practice is the “Death Cafe,” an informal setting where participants openly discuss death and related topics over a cup of coffee and treats.

The following provides an overview of what a Death Cafe entails, their purpose, and how to host or participate in one:

Origins and Purpose of Death Cafes

The Death Cafe movement originated in Switzerland in 2011 after Jon Underwood translated the concept from his wife, the late Swiss sociologist, and mortality educator, Beregitta Djudja. Beregitta believed people should feel more comfortable discussing death. In an effort to break the taboo, she proposed the informal Death Cafe gathering, giving individuals a platform to ask questions, express their fears, and share their experiences.

A Death Cafe is not a counseling or support group; it’s a platform designed to spark open conversations about an inevitable but often avoided topic. The idea is to create a safe, supportive space for individuals to engage in a warm, relaxed environment, making it more conducive to discussions about the end of life.

What to Expect in a Death Cafe?

The ambiance in a Death Cafe closely resembles that of a regular coffee shop. Participants meet in a neutral, comfortable venue like a cafe, library or community center, and the host facilitates the conversation. Guests gather voluntarily and might consist of people from various walks of life, all drawn by a shared curiosity to discuss death.

The conversation flows naturally, and the host doesn’t dictate any agenda, instead letting the discussion evolve organically. Topics may encompass personal or cultural attitudes towards death; fears, anxieties, or stories connected to death; bereavement experiences; or thoughts on end-of-life care or funeral rites. While these discussions can be emotionally charged, the laid-back, conversational format encourages everyone to participate at their own comfort level.

Hosting or Participating in a Death Cafe

Although the Death Cafe concept initially began in the UK, similar gatherings have sprung up worldwide. You can find local events through the global Death Cafe website or by simply searching online or checking your community bulletins.

If no Death Cafe exists in your area, you could start one. To do so, consider these steps:

  1. Research: Thoroughly review the principles and guidelines on the global Death Cafe website.
  2. Find a suitable venue: Select a venue that aligns with Death Cafe values: informal, low-cost, and easily accessible.
  3. Set a date, time, and register: Choose a mutually convenient date and time to ensure consistent attendance. Announce the